Daniel Ruiz Tizon is Available Ep 268 Mon 14 Sept 2020

Daniel Ruiz Tizon is Available show

Summary: Daniel Ruiz Tizon, a man on his fifth nose, is, he’d like the world to know, Available, and dissecting the minutiae of everyday life. In this week’s regular episode, brush with Poundland customer causes alarm, the Stuart Surridge football, Azerbaijan Premier League saves Star Wars Football League after computer fixture generator balls-up, multi-hat wearing Bela Lugosi, ‘equivalent’ overload and the latest Nectar Points update. Running time: 00:43:29 Support the podcast for just £6 or £3 a month @ patreon.com/drtavailable to listen to the weekly Thursday bonus Patreon episodes. You can also now select ‘The Toe Dipper’ tier of support, which will unlock every other Patreon Exclusive episode for you. Everyone in the UK, EU and U.S. can now pledge in their local currency of Euros (€), British Pounds (£) or U.S. Dollars ($). This will help prevent you paying extra conversion fees from your bank or card when pledging in a currency that’s not your own. www.danielruiztizon.com Twitter: @1607WestEgg Instagram: @1607westegg And please subscribe, rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts or any other platform you may be using to listen to the show.