Escape – Shipment Of Mute Fate. ep60, 490313

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: <a href="">Escape – Shipment Of Mute Fate. 490313. </a> <br> Tired of the everyday routine? Ever dream of romantic adventure? Escape beyond the four walls of your normal life to a grim voyage of death. <br> A man tells how his adventure started as he returned to his ship with a mysterious box, and the feeling that beady eyes are watching his every move. In flashback sequence, we learn what the box is all about. <br> After surviving exotic ports of call, wild jungles and dangers, the man has found an oddity that intrigues him. It’s the poisonous bushmaster snake. It’s just the thing he has come looking for, and refuses to listen to reason about taking the captured snake. <br> The seagoing man is fascinated by his snake, it never seems to sleep, or change it’s mood. It just watches, and waits. When a freak wave hits the cruise ship, the box is found overturned, and empty. Uh-Oh. Here snakie snakie. Come out and play with the nice sailor. <br> The captain begins to panic at the thought of the deadly thing loose and endangering passengers and crew. The crew begin a low key, but systematic search. After a few days and nights, the terror begins to grow, and grate on the passengers and crew. Finally, the snake makes it’s appearance. Just when the sailor is unarmed, and as far from outside help as possible, <br> the snake moves in. It creeps up onto him, and begins to tighten it’s coils around him… when suddenly help comes from an unexpected source. Tense moments of fright are changed into a rapid fire account of color commentary as a fight ensues. What was that help? How did the dangerous snake meet it’s doom? When the pride and most fervent efforts of men failed, a most humble, and basic of animal needs wins the day. <br> PS: This ranks among one of the top productions of the Escape radio show. Often requested by listeners, and ran several times. Personally I have to feel more sorry for the snake, and the other passengers on the ship. The snake got killed before it could bite the sailor who took him out of his nice jungle home. I hope that captain did something about it once the danger was over. Time to find another crewman. <br>