The #1 Link Building Tactic and Why It Works with Jon Cooper

Sure Oak: Digital Marketing, SEO, Online Business Strategy, & More show

Summary: <br> How to reach out to Jon Cooper:<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> </a><br> Link building isn’t for the weak-minded. Regardless of service or product niche, successfully arranging for your link to be included on an industry-authoritative website is highly competitive. For this reason, achieving measurable results from any link building campaign requires diligence, patience, and striking the delicate balance of personalization and automated efficiency. Like many things, link building is a skill that can be improved over time with practice, and with experience, it is possible to determine which strategies and tactics are the most effective.<br> Link building expert, Jon Cooper, presents what he’s learned from his years building links and explains what companies can do to achieve better results. With a smile, Jon remembers an article featuring over 200 link building strategies.<br> “The ironic part about that,” Jon explains, “is that you can get so caught up in all these new things that you sort of forget to figure out what you can do best, what can scale for you.”<br> He’s right. As companies strive to learn and implement the most cutting-edge link building strategies or diversify their efforts too broadly, they often fail to learn the nuances and intricacies of the process that would allow them to master it. Rather than focusing on keeping up with the latest and greatest link building strategies, companies ought to stick with the tactics that already work for them.<br> Finding Your Best Link Building Strategy<br> For link builders like Jon, nothing is more exciting than stumbling on a source looking to add links to their site. So, how do you convince the webmaster to include a backlink to your company’s site? Today, authoritative sites in every niche post the links they receive in guest posts and email outreach. These two traditional link building tactics may not be flashy or even new, but by now they have been proven effective.<br> Jon admits his disappointment in learning that link building strategies and tactics haven’t changed significantly over the years, but also recognizes the importance of adopting and refining the strategies that are already known to work. To note, Sure Oak integrates the latest and long-standing strategies - <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">discover our link building services here</a>.<br> Guest Posting Tips<br> Guest posting is a link building tactic in which you incorporate the link you wish to have referenced within a piece of content, such as a blog post or an infographic, and request to have the content featured on an authoritative website. Jon and his team try to avoid doing too much guest posting because it can be time-consuming and difficult to execute effectively.<br> Websites are unlikely to feature your content if it is not in alignment with their brand message, and so creating an acceptable piece of content and gaining a backlink requires extensive research and careful consideration. It can be difficult to produce enough content to achieve a meaningful number of backlinks. In fact, according to Jon, there are even entire agencies that specialize in creating and stacking up content to be pitched on different authoritative sites.<br> Jon shares his personal experience with a client who had worked as an author. Because his writing was already an integral part of his brand, the client could easily create blog posts and written content as guest posts. Still, guest posting is more time intensive than writing outreach emails and may not be scalable.<br> Email Outreach Tips<br> If creating an endless supply of guest posting content sounds challenging to you, you may consider using another link building tactic, email outreach.