Jack Benny – Kit Carson Benny. ep471, 430228

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The usual cast is joined by guest conductor, Bob Crosby. On the trail to entertain the troops at military bases, Jack learns about Judo at Fort Custer, Michigan. All the boys on the base are learning the hand to hand combat moves. Will Jack be able to trust Mary, or Dennis? If Mary can throw Jack, he ought to be able to throw Don around… right? With all the throwing done, Dennis Day sings, I Just Kissed Your Picture Goodnight. <br> Bob Crosby to tell about the similarities he has with Phil’s dating habits. Jokes also include gambling, pay raises, and the movies. After a judo flip out the window, Rochester phones in, but has to talk with Mary instead. Bob and his Bobcats play, We’re in the Money. <br> Jack claims his grandfather was Kit Carson Benny, and served on the base. The play is to salute that fact, but first Rochester phones in again to give Jack an update on the condition of the food pantry back home. It’s 1874 as Kit Carson Benny addresses his troop of scouts. He only has a little trouble in handling his marching troops. How’s the rest of their pioneering skills? Good thing those indians don’t know judo… or do they? <br> Note: It’s his second broadcast with Jack, but in a few years, Bob Crosby would join the show as the full time band leader, when Phil would leave the show to do his own show. <br>