Lux Radio Theater – Cappy Ricks. 370301.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: First an opening sponsor message. Cecil B DeMill introduces the cast and the play for the evening. Cappy Ricks is retiring at age 60 from the sailing life, and sticking to running his business. He is greeted by his daughter with a special request. She wants to work in the shipping business. Cappy is having some legal trouble over a shipment that was lost, but he forbids his daughter to do any work in the business, <br> When she is mistaken as a secretary, she gets some inside scoop from the captain of the missing ship when it comes in. She conspires to go into business with the errant sea captain, and recently fired employee of her dad. It doesn’t take Cappy long to regret his decision over letting that captain go, and he still is unaware of his daughter’s involvement in the deal. Looks like a pretty good rivalry is in the making. <br> Ellen offers some inside scoop for her new partner to steal away some contracts. She also gets a kick out of her anonymous involvement in being partner in her own business against her dad. The new Red Diamond shippers gives the old Blue Star company a run for their money, stealing away contracts, ships, and captains. Cappies confidence begins to fade when his losses put him at the point of going under. Is Cappy starting to see the error of his ways by getting rid of that sea captain? <br> When Ellen drops the bomb that she is the silent partner, it stands to drive a wedge between her and both of the men that she loves. Intermission time. The author of the Cappy Ricks novels is interviewed, and tells a little of how he came to write them. Even his testimonial for washing Cappy Ricks in Lux flakes? Just listen and you’ll understand. <br> In the final act, Cappy faces the fact that blood is thicker than water, and sets out to do what he can to make his girl happy. Also the sea captain makes up with Ellen, but how will they all be able to reconcile with each other? Has Cappy really turned over a new leaf? Is there going to be room for both the Blue Star and the Red Diamond lines to co-exist? It will take some compromising, but I feel a happy ending in the mix. <br>