Dead Beat- Chapters 25, 26, & 27

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: Hey you! I'm so late! <br>This episode was supposed to post this morning to iTunes, but due to a very busy weekend and celebrating my birthday on Monday, I fell dreadfully behind so please forgive me. There will still be a missing WestWorld episode for those who may have missed the Facebook post or Twitter message about it, due to RoShawn and I needing a mental health day due to...current events. <br>This episode is a bit of calm before more storming (speaking of storms, there's some nice atmosphere in this episode as RoShawn's mic picks up all the thunder happening outside) and Harry gets to celebrate his birthday. Kind of. <br>At the very least, he gets a nap and a little time in a virtual hot tub. That's not so bad, right? I mean sure, there's a fallen angel there the whole time, but...nothing's perfect. <br>Thanks so much for listening, and I will see you soon with the next episode of Doctor Who!