Dead Beat- Chapters 37, 38, & 39

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: HAPPY HALLOWEEN, lovely listeners! Do I have an episode for you. This is the one where Harry Dresden rides a zombie T-Rex. <br>This is flat-out one of the most memorable scenes in the series, and one of my favorite things about it, is that it doesn't happen until Book 7. It's a really slow burn to get to this point, and by the time we get something so over-the-top, we've been through enough with Harry that we feel like we've really earned this moment. <br>And I mean, let's talk about Butters for a second, because he's really the MVP here, isn't he? He's the beating heart at the center of it all. Heh. I just love that he gets to be so crucial here, and that he remembers how to use basic magic to defend himself, even during some of the most chaotic moments of the series. <br>And lastly, we have Morgan. Oh, shit. <br>Thanks for listening!