Something Borrowed (from Side Jobs)

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: Credit for this piece of priceless art goes to <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br>This week and next week, RoShawn and I will be covering short stories that take place between Dead Beat and Proven Guilty, which while not crucial to the main plot, add a lot of detail and background that serious fans will really love. If you're interested and you haven't already read them, you can pick up Side Jobs here: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a> Next week, we will be doing "Fistful of Warlocks" from Brief Cases, which you can find here: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a>, and the following week will be "AAAA Wizardy", then "I Was A Teenage Bigfoot", both also from Brief Cases. <br>So. It will be a little while before Proven Guilty begins, and I know you all are impatient to get there, but don't bite my head off, okay? <br>This episode, by the way, is a hot mess. RoShawn and I were punchy as hell and you'd think that we were wasted at the way we cannot keep it together for more than ten-minute stretches before bursting into giggles. My apologies, and I hope you enjoy the show anyway.