Proven Guilty- Chapters 39, 40, & 41

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: Art credit! <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br>Hey you gorgeous witches and wizards! It's time to talk about The Dresden Files! <br>This episode, RoShawn and I have an awful lot to cover and she's not feeling too great but soldiers valiantly on so I beg you all to give her a round of applause for getting through it all! Because we've got the fight on the way out of Faerie, the revelation that Lilly set Harry up to bait Winter, the chat where Murphy reveals that she will likely lose her position with SI, AND the convo between Harry and Molly about how she discovered and used her magic. <br>There's a whole lot happening here, folks. <br>Thanks so much to all of you for listening, and I will see you again soon with a new episode!