White Night- Chapters 14, 15, & 16

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: Everyone make sure to check out our sponsor at <a href="http://www.warforthetower.com" rel="noopener">www.warforthetower.com</a> and show them some love! <br>This episode Harry is finally able to put Little Chicago to some real use, and gets down to business with tracking down Grey Cloak using a pretty nifty spell. Not only can he pinpoint the man's location, he can spy on the guy in real time while he has a conversation, and even manages to follow him all the way to a second meeting. <br>This does not go as planned, though, because guess what! Cowl is still alive (Harry thinks that's Cowl, anyway) and he is able to not only detect Harry bu also throws some really strong magic at him that might have taken his head right off if the house wasn't warded. This is serious shit. <br>Thank you all so much for listening, and I will be seeing you soon with a new episode!