Ghost Story- Chapters 28, 29, 30

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: Thank you to dawnsio-ar-y-dibyn for this artwork! I already posted the image of Harry looking in on Karrin for a previous episode, but I wanted to go back and include the images of Harry and Molly together as well. It's a series of experimental rough sketches but I think they are very evocative. <a href="" rel="noopener"></a> <br>These chapters are the ones in which Harry finds out exactly what the Grey Ghost is after, and who she is. It's a pretty big discovery, and also the fact that Mort is standing up against her torture earns him some real respect from Harry. And from us the readers as well, I shouldn't wonder. <br>Thank you to all of you for your patience while I was away on vacation, and I love you all. I hope you missed us!