12 - How to Unlock Your Workout's Full Potential Part 1

Defining Dad Bod show

Summary: What if I told you that you could fine tune your workout to get better at burning fat, grow more muscle, improve strength, and care better for your joints, tendons, and ligaments. <br><br>Get ready for better results in less time. <br><br>Sure you workout, but do you know how to use the metrics in your workout (acute variables) to get the most out of it? Lets explore rest periods, tempo, and repetitions to help us work smarter AND harder. <br><br>Dad Bod Aint got time to waste in the gym!<br><br>[i] <a href="http://blog.nasm.org/uncategorized/determining-best-rest-periods-resistance-exercise-training-goals/" rel="noopener">http://blog.nasm.org/uncategorized/determining-best-rest-periods-resistance-exercise-training-goals/</a><br><br>[ii] de Salles BF, et al. Rest interval between sets in strength training. Sports Med 2009;29:765-777.<br><br>[iii] Han, Fredrick. The Slow Burn Fitness Revolution: The Slow Motion Exercise That Will Change Your Body in 30 Minutes a Week. December 24, 2002<br><br>[iv] Vanhelder WP, Radomski MW, Goode RC. Growth hormone responses during intermittent weight lifting exercise in men. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 1984;53(1):31-4.<br><br>[v] Godfrey RJ, et al. The exercise-induced growth hormone response in athletes. Sports Med 2003;33:599-613.