119 - Carry Your Cross: The Truth About My Ehlers Danlos

Defining Dad Bod show

Summary: In case one would mistake my running with a shirt off as vain or arrogant…<br><br>The sun on my skin, the wind whipping around my body – the fire of the eyes of God…breath from his nostrils. <br><br>In the heat of the summer with sweat dripping on the pavement every step…one foot in front of the other – forward into the heavy, stifling haze – humid and thick. <br><br>I bear my cross forward for all to see. <br><br>They don’t see the weight on my shoulders, but I know it’s there. <br><br>Let them who have ears to hear, hear the message well.<br><br>I woke up this morning and accepted my daily bread with grace. I forgave the ills against me and hope to also be forgiven. <br><br>The pain is great but my soul is greater. <br><br>Let not my will, but yours be done.<br><br>And today I choose to carry my cross. <br><br>I stoop with worn hands and stiff back…wrap my arms around the beam…and remember what I am fighting for. <br><br>A great heave and it is, once again, upon my shoulder – rough, splintery – rubbing callous into my neck and back. <br><br>This is my burden – and I choose to bear it well. <br><br>I set my sights upon the hill in front of me and move. One foot in front of the other. <br><br>The way is narrow and difficult. My lungs burn. My joints ache. My sinew twists, protesting every inch. <br><br>I watch the path closely because even small stumbling blocks are tragic setbacks while under this much weight. <br><br>Sometimes I hear the silence of the morning dew resting peacefully on God’s green earth. <br><br>Sometimes I feel the caress of a breeze easing my salt-soaked brow. <br><br>Sometimes I see the faces of loved ones and the jeers of my enemies.<br><br>Let them who have eyes to see, let them see. <br><br>Not the body I’ve built, but the heavy cross I carry.<br><br>If you found this article valuable, please share on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram<br><br>Kick Butt. Take Names.<br><br>#DefiningDadBod<br><br>This information is meant to be actionable information to promote health and well-being and not to be used to diagnose or treat medical symptoms or conditions. <br><br>——-<br><br>Support the Show (Monthly)<br><br>Patreon.com/definingdadbod<br><br>Support the Show (One-time, quarterly)<br><br>definingdadbod.com/innercircle<br><br>Get Help With Your Program <br><br>definingdadbod.com/shop/trialweek<br><br>Join The Inner Circle<br><br>definingdadbod.com/innercircle<br><br>Ehlers Danlos Society Publication:<br><br><a href="https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/my-awareness-mission/?fbclid=IwAR2Ku-oC-mHjUAHhsefd-7VsZGHUyz5m9fVlO2vdfmwwhZF7LzHPxRc9mJ4" rel="noopener">https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/my-awareness-mission/?fbclid=IwAR2Ku-oC-mHjUAHhsefd-7VsZGHUyz5m9fVlO2vdfmwwhZF7LzHPxRc9mJ4</a>