Episode 6: G-Sus Likes Me, This I Know ... Now

Pop Culture & Youth Ministry: What it is and what it means show

Summary: In this episode, we read listeners emails, try to learn to read, and disagree strongly with Frank and his coffee taste. Find out more about the newest social media app SWEEPING the nation called Vero. Can it unseat Instagram and all of the others? In addition, National Pancake Day has come and gone, but there's tons of free food to take your students to. Finally, our ladies are speaking...are we listening? They are saying enough is enough and the stress is getting to them. How will we answer? All this and so much more on What It Is What It Means!<br><br>Sponsor:<br>Give Central<br>Givecentral.org<br><br>Check out the DYM Podcast Network:<br>Podcast.downloadyouthministry.com<br><br>Vero Social Media App:<br><a href="https://www.vero.co/" rel="noopener">https://www.vero.co/</a><br><br>Connect with us on the Web!<br>Instagram @whatitiswhatitmeans<br>Email <a href="mailto:whatitiswhatitimeans@gmail.com">whatitiswhatitimeans@gmail.com</a>