Episode 16: Axe Body Spray, Energy Drinks & All Things Middle School

Pop Culture & Youth Ministry: What it is and what it means show

Summary: May 30th, 2018. In this episode of What It Is What It Means we welcome back Shara from her world travels, see how her ankle is doing, and then fully dive into the world of Middle School Ministry and how Pop Culture is impacting the students we minister to. We talk with long time middle school pastors Justin Herman and Kristen Carter for a deep dive in all things Middle School. All this and so much more, on What It Is What It Means!<br><br>Sponsor:<br>Give Central<br>Givecentral.org<br><br>Check out the DYM Podcast Network:<br>Podcast.downloadyouthministry.com<br><br>Justin Herman Instagram:<br>@heyjustinherman<br><br>Kristen Carter Instagram:<br>@kmichellecarter<br>Controlled Chaos Podcast:<br><a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/controlled-chaos-podcast/id1354292517?mt=2" rel="noopener">https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/controlled-chaos-podcast/id1354292517?mt=2</a><br><br>Connect with us on the Web!<br>Instagram-@whatitiswhatitmeans<br><a href="mailto:Email-whatitiswhatitimeans@gmail.com">Email-whatitiswhatitimeans@gmail.com</a>