The Poisonwood Bible

UNspoiled! Book Club! show

Summary: Thank you so much to Bitches for joining me on this episode, and bearing with me while I work out some very tough personal shit that came up as a result of this book hitting on some really familiar and uncomfortable themes. <br><br>If you haven't read this book, you're doing yourself a disservice. It's not just about personal experiences of characters whom we get to know and care about (in most cases, anyway), but also about the role that the United States played in bringing down a nation of black people and keeping them down throughout their attempts to take back control. It's really important information, conveyed in a way that feels much less preachy than you'd ever expect. <br><br>I just loved this book. It's famous for a reason. It's gorgeously written. I just can't recommend it enough. READ IT.