EP 478 – Singing Is Very Plosive

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: Photo by Arvid Knutsen<br> <br> [dropcap]N[/dropcap]one other than the great, the majestic, the kind, the brilliant Jared Gillins is with us this week to talk the news, and the goofiness of both his and Geoff's last names!<br> <br> As society moves toward reopening from the COVID-19 lockdown, Latter-day Saints have plenty to consider. The Church released <a href="https://www.thechurchnews.com/global/2020-05-19/covid-19-worship-services-meetings-activities-resume-first-presidency-184416" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">broad guidelines</a> last week on the necessary steps to reach phase 1 of reopening, followed later by phase 2. They are thoughtful and give local leaders plenty of freedom in deciding how and when to take certain steps.<br> <br> However, they are lacking concrete guidance in a few crucial areas, notably the fact that <a href="http://www.thisweekinmormons.com/2020/05/plan-to-reopen-church-is-missing-something-crucial-professional-cleaning-services">we need professional cleaners back in our buildings</a>. Also, it would be wise for there to be an <a href="https://bycommonconsent.com/2020/05/23/a-two-step-program-for-going-back-to-church/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">outright ban on singing</a>, as opening our mouths and forcing out air is a pretty great way to spread the virus. Unfortunately, this isn't covered by Church guidance.<br> <br> Do you miss Church? Mormon Women Stand <a href="http://www.mormonwomenstand.com/i-dont-miss-church" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">argues</a> that discipleship is entirely insular and we don't need one another. That's not true.<br> <br> Along with a return to church services, more temples are phasing into activity. The Church <a href="https://www.thechurchnews.com/temples/2020-05-25/lds-temples-open-worldwide-phased-reopening-183918" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">added a few more to the list</a>, bringing the total number of temples open at phase 1—meaning living sealings and nothing else—to 66.<br> <br> There's other fun temple news! First off, Salt Lake has been nice enough to release renderings of upcoming temples in <a href="http://www.thisweekinmormons.com/2020/05/rendering-released-for-coban-guatemala-temple/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Guatemala</a> and <a href="http://www.thisweekinmormons.com/2020/05/church-releases-design-of-okinawa-japan-temple/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Japan</a>, and we have some thoughts! In addition, over the weekend, leaders held a groundbreaking for the <a href="http://www.thisweekinmormons.com/2019/10/rendering-released-of-layton-utah-temple/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Layton Utah Temple</a>, and they brought in a <a href="https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/church-of-jesus-christ-of-latter-day-saints-holds-small-scale-groundbreaking-ceremony-for-newest-temple" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">bunch of chintzy chairs</a>. In a field. It was awesome.<br> <br> Missionary work is no longer in the hands of bishops. That's the takeaway from a <a href="https://bit.ly/2LZVeRw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">new letter</a> to stake presidents and ward leaders. Instead, elders quorum and Relief Society presidents will work directly with stake leadership on their missionary and temple and family history efforts. In addition, youth are being asked to participate in coordination meetings.<br> <br> In other areas of administrative organization, the Church has <a href="https://www.thechurchnews.com/global/2020-05-19/area-seventies-four-more-quorums-geographic-realignment-184407" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">added</a> additional Quorums of the Seventy, bringing the total to 12. 12! The only quorums contaiing general authorities remain the first two.<br> <br> How do you count missionaries who came home because of COVID-19? The Census Bureau has the <a href="https://kutv."></a>