EP 484 – Lilburn Boggs for Apostle

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: <br> <br> [dropcap]W[/dropcap]hat a week! Geoff watches Hamilton! Josie starts a new podcast! Saints in New Zealand go on an indexing barrage! Let's get into it! Exclamation points!<br> <br> First of all, give Josie and her husband, Jeremy, some love for their new podcast, <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/19kQnZaI2IWiZQTfhasOVF?si=j0pO4CHwQ0en3IK7y5MFMQ" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Careering</a>, in which they interview people about what their jobs actually re. Not what the job description says. Not what the industry says. What is real. Stream it below!<br> <br> Authorities at Dixie State University have announced they are <a href="https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/utah-university-to-consider-dropping-dixie-from-its-name" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">considering changing the university's name</a>. This initial announcement comes a few weeks after <a href="http://www.thisweekinmormons.com/2020/06/episode-482-walk-and-chew-gum/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">we discussed an op-ed</a> that encouraged this very action.<br> <br> Author W. Paul Reeve also has an <a href="https://faithmatters.org/making-sense-of-the-churchs-history-on-race/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">insightful new article</a> up trying to make sense of the Church's history on race. If the priesthood ban was divine, why haven't we seen the revelation around it? Why don't we tell more stories about our black members, who have been here since the very beginning, as Russell Stevenson suggested on our show last week?<br> <br> http://www.thisweekinmormons.com/2020/06/ep-483-racism-in-the-church-conversation-with-historian-russell-stevenson/<br> <br> In some of our favorite satire, The Daily Frick <a href="https://thedailyfrick.com/statue-of-missouris-governor-boggs-to-be-displayed-on-temple-square/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">alleges</a> that a statue of Lilburn Boggs, the infamous governor of Missouri responsible for the extermination order against Latter-day Saints, will be erected on Temple Square!<br> <br> Do you like temples? Do you like temples in Orem even more? The Church has released a rendering of the upcoming temple in Utah County's second-greatest city (after Woodland Hills, obvi) along with a groundbreaking date.<br> <br> http://www.thisweekinmormons.com/2020/06/groundbreaking-announced-rendering-released-for-orem-utah-temple/<br> <br> The Church has also <a href="https://www.thechurchnews.com/temples/2020-07-06/lds-temples-open-worldwide-phased-reopening-183918" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">announced</a> the reopening of a few more temples. We're still in Phase One here, folks, but now the saints in Los Angeles can get sealed, so yay.<br> <br> Hey, it was the 4th of July in the United States, and despite racial unrest all around, emeritus Church leader Tad Callister thought this a good time to <a href="https://www.deseret.com/opinion/2020/7/1/21310006/tad-callister-founding-fathers-heroes-or-villains-united-states-history-american-revolution" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">remind</a> us that it was totally okay and necessary for the Founding Fathers to own slaves and deny women the right to vote.<br> <br> Meridian Magazine <a href="https://latterdaysaintmag.com/dont-call-us-mormons/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">is not happy</a> with Jana Riess's piece from a few weeks ago alleging that focusing so much on "de-Mormoning" everything is tantamount to idol worship. The op-ed is fine and has some good points, but it also paints an untrue picture about some aspects of Church history, notably that the term "Mormon" has always been used as a pejorative.<br> <br> In quick news: Utah religious leaders <a href="https://kutv.com/news/coronavirus/utah-religious-leaders-encourage-residents-to-wear-masks-to-stop-virus-spread" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">encourage</a>...