NEXTonSCENE A Pregnancy Subscription Bag!

Becoming NEXTonSCENE™ show

Summary: <p>Ericka is a successful businesswoman and dedicated mother and wife. She started her first business, MommyMaiDD Services, Inc. in March of 2012 while working on her Master's degree, pregnant with her 3rd son and working full-time in the nonprofit sector.Soon after, she quit her corporate job to place full focus on entrepreneurship. Ericka launched her flagship product, The Stork Bag®, a leading pregnancy subscription bag, in November 2014. Since the launch in 2014, The Stork Bag has garnered celebrity moms and customer’s attention globally, with customers spanning nationwide as well as in the Netherlands, Canada, Switzerland, Japan, West Africa, England, Spain, Bulgaria, China, Norway, UAE, Jamaica, Saudi Arabia, the UK, Germany and Australia.</p>