The Biggest Lie in the Business

The Stress Free Leader Podcast show

Summary:   In this episode, Alaina Schwartz joins the conversation to continue our discussion on this important topic. I’ve heard it since I was young. I imagine you have too. The only way to succeed is to work hard. Unfortunately, we often approach this in a way that risks our relationships, mental and emotional well-being, our health, and so much more. In this conversation, we dive deeper into this with Alaina. In this insightful conversation we explore: * The “work hard to succeed myth” Why it is important to pause * The power that comes from rewiring yourself * The stress response and how we become “addicted” to our stressful habits * How to get to ease and flow where things are coming easier * The keys to managing the inner game of stress and habits * The importance of paying attention to how you feel * How her morning power hour creates the foundation for her day * Pay it forward: Advice to leaders who want to make the shift and want to reduce stress * And more!   About Alaina Schwartz: Highly energetic and dynamic, Alaina Schwartz is an international speaker, business paradigm shifter and mentor. Her deep passion is providing a framework for successful, mission-driven entrepreneurs and leaders to develop an invincible mindset and unlock their full potential. She provides iron-clad strategies, tools and techniques to empower entrepreneurs and leaders to scale phenomenal impact and income, while creating financial and time freedom. She knows that what got business owners and leaders to where they are now isn’t going to get them where they want to go. She solves business problems with a combination of neuroplasticity, business strategy, peak performance, quantum physics, psychology, communication and leadership development. ( | ( |    Email ( About Rhonda: Rhonda Y. Williams is a former Chief Nursing Officer and hospital CEO. With 20+ years of leadership experience, Rhonda has personally experienced the joys and the stress. Today, Rhonda is an emotional intelligence strategist, and she is known as The Stress-Free Leader. Rhonda coaches’ leaders who are ready to STOP THE MADNESS and reconnect with the joyful, purposeful part of leading. She also works directly with teams who are ready to explore the organizational and bottom-line benefits of creating a stress-free culture. She’s also the host of The Coffee with Rhonda Show. Thanks For Listening!