(3 Mins) How to Handle Comparison

Claudia Chan Podcast show

Summary: <p>Going to a neighbor’s home, learning the good news of a colleague or friend, seeing another parent’s distance learning/homeschool photo on Instagram, being in awe of someone else’s progress — <strong>comparison</strong> is like a mosquito bite you didn’t see coming that a takes a bite of your self esteem. Over time it unconsciously keeps you playing small and feeling never good enough. What’s scary is if you are active on social media - imagine how many times in a day or week you may be comparing yourself to others and what that is holding you back from over time?</p> <p>In the <a href="https://shesummit.com/member/courses/how-we-rise/?utm_source=hs_email&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9BnTNMG8_5N5ZF2rhLaiWpMdPpm5JhCCkmyt_c-IIGHpKbcdI3fq6b5aB-WotgBgyIft20" rel=" noopener" target="_blank">How We Rise “whole life leadership” program</a>, I teach that mental health is your #1 leadership department and “comparison” is one of the big limiting barriers to name and own. <a href="https://shesummit.com/messages/you-are-the-only-one-running-your-race?utm_source=hs_email&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9BnTNMG8_5N5ZF2rhLaiWpMdPpm5JhCCkmyt_c-IIGHpKbcdI3fq6b5aB-WotgBgyIft20" rel=" noopener" target="_blank"><strong>Let me share a tool that I have used to combat comparison for years.</strong></a></p>