(4 Mins) Depression or Undisciplined

Claudia Chan Podcast show

Summary: <p>Because the term “mental health” has a stigma, many people feel it doesn’t apply to them. But just as you as have heart health, lung health or any kind of physical health, you have mental health. Everyone has health of the mind and there should be NO stigma attached to that.</p> <p>As many continue to adjust to new work-from-home routines since Covid-19, research has shown increased anxiety, stress and depression among workers. If you are feeling any of these emotions,<a href="https://shesummit.com/messages/everyone-has-mental-health-that-includes-you/?utm_source=hs_email&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9dLxWxEqQJQKhtTSk71_u_FdMpQSCudV3EC42v1TS6lpLD8VytPYCfxIo0Akn0GBbHoKOa" rel="noopener" target="_blank"><strong> I want to share this question I ask myself as a tool that I use to stay mentally healthy</strong></a>.</p>