(4 Mins) The Power of Slow

Claudia Chan Podcast show

Summary: <p>Are you always rushing and focused on what has to get done in the future - that you miss out on the present?</p> <p>Your future is actually created based on the quality of decisions you make in the present moment, and you can’t make quality decisions when you’re always rushing through life.</p> <p><a href="https://shesummit.com/messages/strength-comes-from-slowing-down?utm_source=hs_email&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_uWf6aZPpBL1PwDF-D4yZ8ry9uvun9f5hXPm7rCZUbp5XPWPxK2gIo3K_qtRfHR1shkwX9" rel="noopener" target="_blank"><strong>Watch this 3-minute video and consider slowing down</strong></a></p>