SHAKING UP THE HOBBY! One Graded Card At a Time - WHY THE SPORTS CARD MARKET NEEDS Hybrid Grading w/CEO Tyler Hitt!


Summary: <p>Today's episode is one YOU CAN'T MISS. As a podcast host there are certain episodes that you know will be referenced for many months....and this was a no-doubter. I spent an hour speaking with Tyler Hitt - the CEO and Founder of Hybrid Grading. We have one of the most honest conversations I've had over the past 3 years of episodes.   </p> <p>Check out <strong>YouTube Version</strong> <a href="">HERE</a></p> <p>Hybrid Grading is going to shake up the grading industry. They will find their space within a massive part of our hobby. </p> <p>Today you'll get an inside look at why I think they are special.   </p> <p>Check them out at <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVQ3djQ3OVZWY1JWUVhmdjN1TXpOcVlhSDRZd3xBQ3Jtc0tuUEM1UW5iWlJHT0hYZnF6OVhiUkthTlBVUElkcUsyWW9WS2hreklQbFRsbnp1UE1lSFlJdnhtd2FwXzF3d3RoVnlVcXI0T05nOUpTVUhVamN0NUtPalVHNXZ2cjFoRjlTLXVaSy1TRTVmTm1NMUJsVQ&amp;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>​  </p> <p>Bench Clear Media Production Check out Bench Clear at: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWlydVZ5RG0xWVNuUmljTHU3NGVvbm5WS2JQd3xBQ3Jtc0tuUDduQmdFdnZNNlBha0RjdVJ3VmJfeE9ISW9nb0dES1U2cjZ3ckV6aTRZT2s4VE1vNmptVGhseGhlQTUtcXhRSXR5M0tMWXpLaWpzV2dBWTliQW5TaFlMX0JFSm9FWEtsczdZREdDVUkxRFF5eFMzYw&amp;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>