Finding better video jobs

Film Stuff podcast show

Summary: The film world we were brought up in works on an apprentice system, where you attach yourself to a person or team, and usually work on the projects they land. In the world of modern video making, where creators can be full-time and video is a huge part of marketing, that world is evolving. Now there's tons of openings for filmmaking jobs. They're not all good. Some are gold, some are garbage, and in this episode we talk about how to tell the difference. We get super tactical for anyone job hunting or looking to hire. • This is the puzzle we've been doing. Not an ad, we just think this puzzle company is really cool! • There are a loooooot of ways in which print design and digital design are different (not to mention video and materials design). This is just the tip of the iceberg • Leigh wasn't joking. Final Cut Pro 7 is dead. Officially. • We mentioned that producers are usually responsible for key creative hires on a project. What else does a film producer actually do? Production is not the same thing as producing. This great excerpt from MasterClass explains • We highly recommend this excellent article called "The Confidence Gap" about the different ways male and female candidates approach a job ad • We also recommend you look at some of the research around gender differences is hiring. Totaljobs has a whole section dedicated to this issue here, plus a tool that checks the text of a job listing to finds gender-coded wording.