EP 008 | Culture of Growth with Andrew Kotchen, hosted by Darci Hether

Business of Design ™ | Interior Designers, Decorators, Stagers, Stylists, Architects & Landscapers show

Summary: Set yourself up for success and growth by running your company like a big organization, even if you’re a one-man show. Guest host and BOD™ Member, Darci Hether of New York City, interviews her past employer, Andrew Kotchen of Workshop/APD. In this episode we learn: - Good work gets you good work. - How creating systems and procedures to run an office set you up for success. - Creating business longevity, planning for the future of your firm - How internal operations have changed since COVID—from a logistic standpoint and interpersonal standpoint - Recognizing opportunities for growth and strategic pivots - Lessons from past recessions and how to make changes to avoid financial vulnerability in the future - How to create a culture of growth - When you surround yourself with great talent, you do great work. It’s time to take control of your business. Become a member of Business of Design®, today: https://businessofdesign.com/?ref=2&campaign=podcast