822: The COMMON Path to UNCOMMON Success, with John Lee Dumas

The Solopreneur Hour Podcast with Michael O'Neal show

Summary: JLD has written a *banger*.  Of all my years in this entrepreneurial space, all of the “how to” book have been incomplete…until now.  John has absolutely lifted the kimono on what it takes to create a successful side hustle, solopreneur business, or fire your boss and launch your own thing.  This is a MUST read for any aspiring, or successful entrepreneur.<br> <a href="http://uncommonsuccessbook.com/" rev="en_rl_none">http://uncommonsuccessbook.com</a><br> <br> 5 preorder bonuses<br> <br> Bonuses end March 23rd (but you’re a loser if you wait that long.)<br> <br> * <br> All three journals to your door.  Freedom, Podcast, Mastery Journals<br> <br> * <br> Lost Content 1 Hour Talk<br> <br> * <br> Live AMA<br> <br> * <br> Companion Guide PDF Workbook<br> <br> * <br> Video Interviews<br> <br> <br> Book Breakdown<br> <br> * <br> Identify your big idea<br> <br> * <br> Discover your niche<br> <br> * <br> Create your avatar  (jimmy is john’s)<br> <br> * <br> Choose your platform<br> <br> * <br> Find your mentor (Shawn Stevenson)<br> <br> * <br> Join or create a mastermind (tim Ferriss story)<br> <br> * <br> Design your content production plan  (jld still edits. That’s the *creation*)  tell Kate Erickson joke from roast.<br> <br> * <br> Create content. – “when creating content, be the best answer on the internet “ – Andy Crestodina<br> <br> * <br> Launch<br> <br> * <br> Pinpoint your avatars biggest struggle (why not prior to content) (short convos to mastermind. Sololab creation)<br> <br> * <br> Prove the concept and craft the solution<br> <br> * <br> Build your funnel<br> <br> * <br> Diversify your revenue streams<br> <br> * <br> Increase your traffic<br> <br> * <br> Implement systems and build a team<br> <br> * <br> Create affiliate partnerships (integration)<br> <br> * <br> Keep the money you make<br> <br> * <br> The well of knowledge  “when one teaches, two learn” Robert heinlein. (I love the quote/summary of this chapter)<br> <br> * <br> Index is cool<br> <br> <br>  <br>