Denyse H. Turner, L.H.D, First Lady Helping Others Win!

In the Author's Corner with Etienne show

Summary: “Married for 38 years, Denyse had been a Pastor’s Wife for 35 of those years. Throughout my husband’s entire ministerial/pastoral career, I worked side by side with him tirelessly. As committed Christians, we erroneously thought that Christians were full of love and compassion. We found out the hard way this was not always correct. My husband transitioned Nov 22, 2015 from severe depression and betrayal at the hands of his church.” “Now I’m sure lots of questions immediately enter your mind. They will all be answered, either through this blog or my upcoming book. Stay tuned and follow us! This blog will take you through the entire journey of my life, my accomplishments, my failures, my joys, my grief and eventually my purpose!” “Travel has been my passion since I left my trained profession of health care administration in 2005. I owned a general travel agency since. My focus has now shifted to Faith-Based Travel Education for churches and ministries. Faith-Based organizations would be surprised to see how Travel Ministries can impact their congregations positively. We also do customized group events. These types of events propel participants toward their ‘Dreams and Destiny‘.” “Follow us as this information is intended to help women/wives who are in life’s sensitive situations that have created pain and trauma to not get stuck but to get back on the road to discovering their real purpose with God’s help. Following my husband’s transition, I spent 3 years getting certified as an Inner Healing Minister. I was bestowed an honorary Doctoral Degree of Humane Letters by the Eastern Theological Seminary.” Airing Times in the USA: 8:00 pm AST, 7:00 pm EST, 6:00 pm CST, 5:00 pm MST, 4:00 am PST. Click for your International Time Zone.