Munchkin Land #355: Sentinels of the Multiverse Definitive Edition

MajorSpoilers+ show

Summary: You have everything Sentinels of the Multiverse related, but do you have the Sentinels of the Multiverse Definitive Edition? Show your thanks to Major Spoilers for this episode by becoming a Major Spoilers Patron at It will help ensure Munchkin Land continues far into the future! Join our Discord server and chat with fellow Spoilerites! (< Contact us at NEWS GTG big announcement— Sentinels Of The Multiverse definitive edition— KS Kickstarter on March 30 for $50 and will retail for $59.95 (Streamlined game play for mainstream audiences) PortalCon was last week— Big NEws Dune: House of secrets. Use the Detective system, for release in Q4 2021. GF9 announced more minis sets for the Aliens universe. Heroes of Hadley’s Hope $25.00. The Sulaco Survivors $15.00. 12 Alien Warriors $25.00. The Alien Queen is a single model $15.00. Essen is moving forward with their Convention This year’s show is scheduled for October 14-17, 2021 Capstone Games announced they will release two new titles in April— A reprint of Glass Road by Uwe Rosenberg—Retail $ 60 Juicy Fruits — $40 Total dollars raised for tabletop games on Kickstarter continued to break their own record in 2020 KICKSTARTER Radlands Human Punishment:The Beginning Carnegie:Deluxe Edition * Button Shy Wallet Games Reprint Campaign