Dueling Review: Orcs #1

MajorSpoilers+ show

Summary: ORCS! What’s to be done with these orcs today!? ORCS! Who can understand anything they say? It’s time once again to see how we feel about a new comics! And surprise! It’s ORCS! #1 from BOOM! Studios. Show your thanks to Major Spoilers for this episode by becoming a Major Spoilers Patron at patreon.com/MajorSpoilers. It will help ensure Dueling Reviews continues far into the future! Join our Discord server and chat with fellow Spoilerites! (https://discord.gg/jWF9BbF) [caption id=“attachment_603218” align=“alignright” width=“228”] You can purchase this issue via the comiXology affiliate link[/caption] ORCS #1 Writer: Christine Larsen Artist: Christine Larsen Publisher: BOOM! Studios Cover Price: $4.99 Release Date: February 10, 2021 * For fans of The Adventure Zone and Critical Role, meet Bog and his misfit crew of Orcs as they adventure through the Known World courtesy of acclaimed cartoonist Christine Larsen (Adventure Time). * After being banished from their Orcish village by King Hrograhgah (it was a simple misunderstanding, involving an acorn-related prank!), Bog and his crew venture out into the world to seek their fortune, and hopefully find their way back home again. * Tag along with Bog, Zep, Pez, Utzu and Gurh as they venture through the dreaded Eerieasallhel Forest, face off against Trolls, Gnomes, squirrels and more, and follow in the footsteps of the legendary Orc hero, Drod One-Eye! * Every issue of Orcs! is oversized, featuring more than 30 story pages.