Keto Carnivore Troubleshooting, Digestion, Poop, & More!

Get Fit with Jodelle show

Summary: So keto worked for awhile and then you hit a plateau? Keto makes your brain feel good, but your pudge hasn't budged? Carnivore felt great but you didn't see any weight loss? And what's up with your poop on keto and carnivore diets? In this podcast I answer a lot of loaded questions about why keto and carnivore may or may not be working for some and what to do about it! We talk about the north to south digestive process, and how low stomach acid is a pretty big problem these days. We will also dive into anxiety and depression too. Listen and learn with Jodelle and don't forget to leave us a review to get these podcasts up on the list on iTunes. Your support will help others find this podcast as well. To learn more about Jodelle, and join my inner circle over at Your support at patreon ensures that these podcasts keep coming, and I offer exclusive Patrons-only content there that you won't find anywhere else online. Thanks to my generous show sponsor: Use code "GETFIT" to save 20% today on your order!