6 Tips for Becoming Even More Confident in Business

Goal Setting & Achievement Podcast: Business|Productivity show

Summary: Confidence is absolutely essential if you want to make friends, influence people, and wake up energized day after day. A lack of confidence can be a pretty serious problem in a lot of different ways. It can affect your goals, your daily work, how you interact with people, and how you perceive yourself. If you don’t have enough confidence to believe in yourself, then you are going to have trouble ever achieving your goals. In fact, a complete lack of confidence will likely keep you from even setting goals! As a successful businessperson, you no doubt realize that confidence is important… and you would probably not have gotten as far as you have without having at least a good measure of it. If, however, you ever find yourself doubting whether you are ‘good enough’ or ‘capable’, then this article is for you! Let’s now explore 5 tips for becoming even more confident than you are now. Finding more confidence will help you as you venture on towards the next level of success, and can help to guard you against a recurrence in self-doubt or demotivation. Tip #1… Walk Faster Do you ever notice how confident people seem to walk faster than people who are not as sure of themselves? This is because confident people are usually busy, full of purpose, and have a ‘method’ to their madness! Next time you go out, try to think about all of the important things that you will be needed for. Think about how important your time is, and think about how much more you could accomplish if you got to where you were going in less time. Believe it or not, brisk walking can actually fill you with a sense of purpose and security about yourself. You will actually feel more confident if you lengthen your strides and walk like you have a reason to get somewhere (which you do! You are, after all, a successful businessperson… and you DESERVE to feel like one!). Tip #2… Create and Periodically Review Your “Me” File Keeping a ‘me’ file on hand filled with emails, letters, cards, and other positive communications or comments from clients and friends is one of the best ways to help give your confidence level a boost on those days when you don’t feel as good about yourself. Keep this file close at hand, and pull out a few letters to read when you start to feel down. If you ever feel like you are not good enough, looking back on good things that were said to you can REALLY have a positive impact. The whole point of this tip is to remind yourself that you ARE successful, and that you have a reason to be confident! Tip #3… Compliment Others Positivity is positivity… no matter what form it comes in. Believe it or not, complimenting others and making them feel better about themselves will actually HELP you to be more confident! When you focus on the negative aspects of life, you will often focus on the negatives within YOU as well. But, if you can learn to focus on the good in people around you, you will also be more prone to focusing on the good points within yourself. This will make a huge difference in your level of confidence, and will help you to improve your overall view of who you are as a person. Tip #4… Work Out – Get Some Exercise While this might seem like a very ‘healthy’ or ‘physical’ tip, it can be a very helpful one! Getting a healthy dose of exercise during the day is sometimes all that we need to push us over the positive edge. Taking up a sport, running around the block, doing a 10-minute exercise routine in your office, or even going a mile on the treadmill are all great ways to up your self-confidence level. By getting some exercise, you will be living a healthier lifestyle… but you will also be improving your own physical self-image within your mind. With confidence, it is all about how you perceive yourself, and you will be MUCH more likely to perceive yourself with confidence if you get in at least 20 minutes of exercise 4-5 times per week. Tip #5… Visualize the End Result In everything you invest your valuable time you want to visualize