Marvel Studios - Deadpool 2

Nerd On! The Podcast show

Summary: Welcome to Episode 36 of Nerd On! The Podcast – Marvel Studios’ Deadpool 2 Fire up the chimichangas and strap on… err… in! Whatever suits you tender little hearts. This week we discuss “Deadpool 2”! We dissect this juggernaut of a 4th wall breaking comedy that’s filled with so much fun, blood, and raunchy humor it’ll never make its way to Cable TV . This film starts a Domino effect of Colossus proportions, that may effect the Marvel universe as a whole, by bringing the X-Force to the big screen! We discuss the highs and lows and see if the film can Weasel away from the sophomore slump! This episode of Nerd On! isn’t something you’ll wanna miss! P.S. We love you Peter