Nerd On! The Podcast show

Summary: In the year 2000 Fox’s X-Men brought a lot of things. One of which became as immortal as the character itself. Today, the Nerds take a familiar journey into mutant-dom. As The Capeless Crusaders discuss the book, we discuss the film that created one of the greatest character finales of all time, LOGAN. Directed by James Mangold and immortalized by Hugh Jackman, we discuss the long journey that got us here, the comic book tie- ins, and the emotional ride the movie takes you on. Find out our favorite takeaways in this episode of NERD ON! Be sure to subscribe and follow the show for all future posts… Twitter – @nerdontv Facebook – @nerdontv Instagram – @nerdontv and on iTunes and YouTube BIG thank you to our wonderful partners! Check them out HERE Join The Nerd On! Nation powered by Patreon today to get exclusive content and much more! Donate to the show HERE via PayPal. Every little bit helps. Learn more about Nerd On! HERE