117: John Dudley from Nock On TV is on and he is hiring!

Redneck Tech Podcast show

Summary: As most of you know we have been working with John Dudley or as we like to call him, Dud for about 3 or so years now. He has been an incredible client and more importantly a friend to all of at Copeland Creative. I wanted to get him sat down and talk about his perspective on outdoor content creation, the various platforms where he has content as well as how things in the outdoor content game have changes over time. We get to learn about how he got into filming his hunts and some of how he got to where he is today. Most importantly we put a challenge out there to you content creators who want to get into this business full time. Dud has been telling me he needs someone full time in Iowa for content creation for over 2 years. We just don't have the time and being located in GA it just isn't feasible to fly back and forth all the time. He needs someone full time in house and we are going to help him find that person. This is going to be a full time position with pay based on experience. Applicants need to know their way around a video and photo camera as well as how to edit and use the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite of programs. If you listen to the podcast and feel like you are the guy or girl for the job then send your resume and examples of work to rednecktechpodcast@gmail.com. We are going to go through submissions and when we feel like we have some solid candidates, we will let Dud make the final call. Submissions to rednecktechpodcast@gmail.com Subject: Nock On Media Person