Episode # 162-Festival of the Arts Menus & Drinks

Mousellaneous  show

Summary:  Festival of the Arts Menus & Drinks  This week we are going over all of the menus at the Epcot Festival of the arts or how Tim & Adam like to call is Ifarts Festival :)  This week Tim is sharing a Disney Festival recipe with us.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/mousellaneous/?ref=bookmarkshttps://twitter.com/Mouse_ellaneoushttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1504215976496722/https://www.instagram.com/mouse_llaneous/www.yohoyohobloggerslifeforme.blogspot.comhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy1Ok1jgdYlooXGJ1kCtbFQ/videos