Dueling Review: King in Black: Gwenom vs Carnage #1

MajorSpoilers+ show

Summary: It’s a Symbiote showdown in this week’s Dueling Review as Gwenom and Carnage go toe to toe! Show your thanks to Major Spoilers for this episode by becoming a Major Spoilers Patron at patreon.com/MajorSpoilers. It will help ensure Dueling Reviews continues far into the future! Join our Discord server and chat with fellow Spoilerites! (https://discord.gg/jWF9BbF) [caption id=“attachment_599124” align=“alignright” width=“228”] You can purchase this issue via our comiXology affiliate link[/caption] KING IN BLACK: GWENOM VS CARNAGE #1 Writer: Seanan McGuire Artist: Flaviano Publisher: Marvel Comics Cover Price: $3.99 Release Date: January 13, 2021 GWEN STACY ENTERS THE FRAY AGAINST THE KING IN BLACK! Bonded to a synthetic symbiote from another reality, GHOST-SPIDER, aka Gwen Stacy of Earth-65, is unique among the webslingers of the multiverse! But when KNULL descends on her adopted home, his gravity well of dark psychic energy will reap unforeseen consequences not only on Gwen, but on her symbiotic suit as well!