Episode 166 - Miss Rumphius

Fuse 8 n' Kate show

Summary: After one of our listeners made the point that the bulk of books we've done on our podcast have been illustrated by male artists we've been trying to make a conscious effort to increase the number of women we read. And WHAT book, I ask you, could have more classic potential than Barbara Cooney's best known? We talk invasive species, seed bombing, how nice it is to read a book that doesn't call a single woman a spinster, and why it is that Maine loves its children's book creators more than any other state. Show Notes: Curious about the Lupine Award? You can see the full list of winners here: https://mainelibraries.org/lupine-winners Huzzah! Here is Dennis Moore! The highwayman who only steals lupines: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5v0voc And here's Kate's Tabletop recommendation, Tokaido. In the course of things she mentions this Will Wheaton show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pipFRzGYgdk&feature=emb_logo For the full Show Notes please visit: http://blogs.slj.com/afuse8production/2020/12/28/fuse-8-n-kate-miss-rumphius-by-barbara-cooney/