My 12 goals for 2021- Hf #312

The Homemaking Foundations Podcast show

Summary: I love setting goals for the new year! For 2021, my goals are based off of my word for this year and the focus I want to have. Listen in to my 12 goals I'll be working on this year!<br> Listen to the Podcast:<br> <br> And don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes.<br> <br> <br> <br> Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.<br> My word for 2021 took a little while to settle on. But in praying about it and really thinking through what Jason and I both want our household to capture this next year, I landed on: Kingdom.<br> <br> It's shaping a lot about how I approach this next year in my thought process and practically through my goals. As I dig into what we will be working towards in 2021, I've broken my goals down into 3 categories:<br> <br> The Kingdom and my personal goals<br> The Kingdom and my family<br> The Kingdom and my business/ministry<br> <br> <br> The Kingdom and My Personal Goals:<br> I'm a big planner and goal setter. It helps to motivate me and I know that by setting personal goals for myself, I accomplish far more than if I didn't set any goals at all. I've got 4 goals for this category:<br> <br> Read 130 books in 2021<br> Read the entire Bible cover to cover<br> Keep a gratitude journal for 365 days<br> Do 6 craft projects in the year<br> <br> The Kingdom and My Family Goals:<br> Jason and I have developed these goals together.<br> <br> Memorize 40 Bible verses this year (I would like to shoot for 52, one a week, but I know 40 is more realistic).<br> Play more board games (as a family and Jason and I)<br> Invest in solidifying our homeschooling routines. We started a new curriculum 6 months ago that's working so well for us. The next step is really solidifying those routines and habits.<br> Better family worship routine (5 times a week)<br> <br> The Kingdom and My Business/Ministry Goals<br> <br> Write a book<br> Launch rebrand of Finding Joy in Your Home (from Young Wife's Guide)<br> Hire 3-4 people over the course of the year<br> Launch 4 new big products and 4 small products<br> Secret goal: Work on a huge secret project we have set to launch quarter one 2022. We need to be working on this project each week but it's hard to stay on track with a project that huge when it's so far away!