Truth Wanted 03.46 12-18-2020 with ObjectivelyDan and SkepticShe

Truth Wanted show

Summary: Welcome Truth Seekers! Tonight, ObjectivelyDan is joined by Lauren (aka SkepticShe)! Lauren makes videos on everything from Atheism to Scientology! <br>Cast your vote on The Golden Pico Awards!!!: <br>Our first caller Mark from PA is shocked at how much money Scientology manages to take in despite its comparatively young age compared to the more established religions. Should Atheist groups try to take them on in a legal battle?<br>Brian from OR asks our hosts if they have investigated the other side’s evidence of the 9/11 conversation. It’s important to form a reasonable conclusion based on the current set of evidence, rather than extrapolate down rabbit holes that go beyond the data.<br>Next is Tymm from WA who shares his deconversion story from ex-gay minister to coming out gay. If a god exists, they are definitely not a kind one who loves you for who you are. Thank you for calling Tymm, you are amazing!<br>Jo from IN is concerned about the speed that the Covid vaccine was developed and asks our hosts for their thoughts. We should believe experts because they are the ones who are most informed on the subject and qualified to draw conclusions from the available data.<br>Our final caller of the year is Lawson from MN! He expresses concern over trusting anything from the establishment. Technology allows us to create and access information faster than ever before, so it is more important than ever to do your due diligence and actually read any article of interest fully before sharing. With this in mind, there is no such thing as a completely unbiased source or article so it is important to look at a variety of sources to get a clearer picture.<br>That’s all for this episode! Thank you all so much for watching and hunting the truth with us during this crazy year! From all of us at Truth Wanted, we wish you a very safe and happy New Year! You can find Lauren at <a href="" rel="noopener"></a>