Episode 162: Could DeLeo be DeLeaving?

The Horse Race show

Summary: 12/23/20-- Happy Holidays, Horse Racers! We are guilty of claiming last week was our last episode of 2020, but as soon as we hit 'publish,' there was a major development in the Massachusetts legislature, so, we're back. Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives Bob DeLeo officially filed a disclosure Friday saying he's in talks with Northeastern University about a job there, meaning he could be leaving the post he's held for a record-breaking 12 years. In looking ahead to who may fill DeLeo's position if he does in fact step down, many eyes are turning toward Quincy Rep. Ron Mariano, the house majority leader. Mariano says he has the votes to take DeLeo's seat if the moment comes. Stephanie says based on the conversations she's had with lawmakers and others on Beacon Hill, Mariano's takeover "feels like basically a done deal," and for many, it's felt like that for much longer than just the past two weeks. Stephanie says a House of Representatives under Mariano's helm probably wouldn't function all too much differently than when DeLeo was in charge, given Mariano is DeLeo's top debuty. Rep. Russell Holmes of Mattapan by contrast has long taken issue with DeLeo's style of leadership, and announced his run for the speakership Friday. -- To wrap up the year and to gear up for holiday sessions, Jenn and Stephanie take a look at the most popular holiday foods eaten across the U.S. (and judge them accordingly). The fare is all over the map (literally) - from tamales to lasagna to non-fish seafood. With that, we leave you to enjoy your holiday season. We'll be bringing you much more Horse Race content come 2021!