Riccardo Gioggi interview, virtuoso guitar player from Roma, Italy

The Guitar Channel - Passion Amplifier show

Summary: <br> Riccardo Gioggi (<a href="http://www.riccardogioggi.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">riccardogioggi.com</a>) is an Italian guitar player from Roma I had the pleasure to meet during past Winter <a href="https://theguitarchannel.biz/tag/namm/">NAMM</a> shows. He is involved in many music projects such as band like Inkfall or Inno. Riccardo is also a full blown sound engineer and producer. Here is a Skype interview recorded with him.<br> Riccardo Gioggi interview<br> The Guitar Channel podcast<br> The audio version of the video is available in the <a href="https://theguitarchannel.biz/tgcpodcast/">podcast</a> on <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/fr/podcast/the-guitar-channel-passion-amplifier/id392480217?mt=2" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">iTunes</a>, <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/4VZk1pRN8m7zXQALJK1Uv5" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Spotify</a> and below:<br> <a href="https://theguitarchannel.biz/tgcpodcast/"></a><br> Until the next <a href="https://theguitarchannel.biz/category/interview/">interview</a>, keep on playing the guitar!<br> Pierre Journel.<br> <br>