My Predictions for Teacher Health and Wellbeing in 2021 (Season 7 Finale)

Teacher Wellbeing show

Summary: In this episode I'm sharing my predictions for the 2021 trends in the teacher health, wellbeing and resilience space in Australia (and beyond). This is also the last episode of Season 7 and for 2020. I will take a little break and see you in 2021! My predictions are: 1. Schools are taking on board the wellbeing message and doing SOMETHING but it will continue to be hit and miss. 2. Wellbeing Champions continue to grow and be driven by staff instead of leaders. Individuals are making impacts in the schools and communities where they live. 3. Education policy and Department expectations will continue to be problematic but also continue to acknowledge the need for teacher wellbeing. At least they're paying lip service now? 4. Unions will continue to be necessary but as we saw with Qld this year, people are unhappy with the result. We can acknowledge things would be worse without the unions fighting for us and still be unsatisfied 5. Teacher Wellbeing/Wellness businesses are increasing in quantity. It's great that there are more options for teachers, some are more rigorous than others so just make sure you do your homework. 6. Positive Psychology/Positive Education will continue to dominate the teacher wellbeing conversation, and complementary approaches are still very small percentage of the landscape but growing I think. 7. Student Welfare/Wellbeing will continue to be given more attention at the national level which means it's up to us to keep reinforcing the message that student wellbeing and teacher wellbeing are intricately linked. Hence the increase in School Wellbeing Champions! 8. The overall school staff health and wellbeing movement is well under way. It is mainstream now even if still a long way to go. It will continue to grow and be driven from the bottom up by individuals out of necessity. 9. Teachers are taking their own health and wellbeing into their own hands and investing their own money, energy, time, resources. This doesn't replace the need for the school-wide, state-wide and national initiatives, however it is excellent that teachers are no longer waiting for others to do something about it and prioritising themselves. Make sure you're following me @selfcareforteachers on IG and subscribed to the #teacherwellbeingpodcast in your favourite podcast app because I have some exciting things coming in January. Grab the Self-Care System Mini-Course and Self-Care Planner/Habits Tracker via the link below to help support yourself over the school holidays to have a more wellbeing and less fatigue, more resilience and less burnout in 2021. Enrol here: It's not a quick fix, it's a system that will teach you to make micro-changes each week and each month so you can make a big difference to your life, health and wellbeing over the course of the year (not just on the school holidays.) As always, remember you're a person first and a teacher second and you are allowed to look after you x