Incoming Age of Aquarius Energies

Intuitive Astrology  with Molly McCord show

Summary: The end of 2020 is an opening into higher flows of Aquarius energies that support you in owning all of your individual gifts, talents, and abilities. The channeled messages of this episode include a look at the energetic transition from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, and how this is an ongoing flow of overlapping energies. This includes a grand clearing of soul imprints, lessons across multiple lifetimes, and soul contracts with family members that may have prevented you from trusting and following your unique path. Much more to share in this podcast episode.    2021 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2021 in 6 individual webinars and how it will show up in your natal chart. Use code “2021” to get the full program for only $21 USD until Dec 31, 2020. Check it out:   Sign up for weekly intuitive astrology updates and learn more about your astrology chart here:   .