Fantastic Four, Spider-Man 3 Casting, Marvel TV, Rogue Squadron, Star Wars TV

GeekScholars Movie News show

Summary: Welcome to GeekScholars Movie News presented by LRM Online! This regular podcast features The GeekScholars—Jill, Chris, and Fox—as they discuss a roundup of current happenings in Hollywood!<br> On this week’s show GeekScholars Jill, Chris, and Fox play Script Doctor with all the incredible Marvel and Star Wars news!<br> <br> * 01:32 – Fantastic 4 film directed by John Watts<br> * 09:24 – Marvel Spider-Man 3 will have EVERYONE in it<br> * 15:13 – Marvel DisneyPlus line-up<br> * 25:05 – Rogue Squadron directed by Patty Jenkins<br> * 30:54 – Star Wars DisneyPlus line-up<br> <br> And then stay tuned to try your luck at our Trivia question this time focused on Marvel Comics<br>