Jack Benny (NBCR) An Old Fashioned Christmas. ep237, 361220

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Don talks with Jack about being a stand up guy, and one to not lose his temper. Does Jack have two sides to his personality? Mary and Kenny share their dual personality as well. What about Don? Does he also have a flip side to his personality? Phil plays, Mutiny in the Brass Section. <br> The audio gets munched a little, but a Greek sounding frendm, Pat C Flick, drops in to sell Jack a new suit of clothes. Will the wardrobe malfunction interfere with Jack’s date after the show? <br> Sheriff Andy Devine is all dressed up in his cowboy suit, but Jack has to put off the next installment of Buck Benny until next week. As Jack gets ready to leave for his date, and goodbyes are said, Phil makes up to Jack. The expensive watch he brings proves how sincere he is in wanting to be friends with Jack. Stay tuned for the touching, tearful dispaly as sentiments are poured out. <br> Note: The season’s running gag with the new bandleader, Phil, is that he and Jack are arguing over being late. Phil is a bigger man, and intimidating to Jack. While Jack has no fears in bullying Kenny around, he shrinks at doing the same to Phil. Today, they make up, and a new running gag will be set up that lasts through the rest of Phil Harris’ first season on the show. <br> This episode doesn’t have a lot to do with Christmas, and other than Phil’s gift, any other gift exchange or holiday themes are barely mentioned. It’s more about the dual nature of character, as is set up in the opening dialogs. Jack certainly has flipped on his attitude by the end of the show. Maybe not in the way his opening jokes imply, but he definitely changes. <br>