Our picks for the Astrology of 2021 and the future of our podcast

The Water Trio - Astrology with Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Shaich Yusuf show

Summary: The End of An Era When Alicia, Cassandra and Kelly started The Water Trio Astrology Podcast, it was under the exciting and opportunistic vibes of Jupiter in Sagittarius. Then we streamlined our format under Jupiter in Capricorn, and now under the Jupiter in Aquarius energy we are saying goodbye - but jusfor now. We want to thank each and every one of you. Whether you've been with us at the start or have recently discovered this podcast, we've loved having you join our friendship and our sharing of our astrology knowledge. In fact, it's our friendship that has prompted the decision to put The Water Trio onto flight mode (remember flight mode?) for a while. We spent more time working on this podcast (don't get us wrong, we love it) than we did just simply being friends. And with 2020, being 2020, not even the in-person astrology events or get-togethers to look forward to, made us cherish our online time together as friends even more. We are taking time out to recover and reassess after this exceptionally crazy year and ponder what the future might look beyond Saturn's rings. So as a trio, we bid you adieu. As individuals, each of us is not going anywhere in terms of astrology and all the services we each offer. You can find us at: Cassandra Tyndall - https://cassandratyndall.com/ Alicia Yusuf - https://aliciayusuf.com/ Kelly Surtees - https://www.kellysastrology.com/ In this episode, we leave you with our highlights and insights for 2021, including the epoch changing Grand (Jupiter-Saturn) Conjunction next week, the potential friction of Saturn square Uranus, and the joy of Jupiter in Pisces. We hope this will be an ongoing source of support and guidance as we venture into not only a New Year but an entirely new epoch. Leave us a comment below about your thoughts for 2021! What are you looking forward to or not looking forward to? We'd love to hear from you x