On the Reading Life – Hf #308

The Homemaking Foundations Podcast show

Summary: This month we are going to be chatting a lot about reading, how to read more, and WHY we would want to read more. Today I'm giving some reasons for investing in reading and some tips for reading more...no matter what that means for YOU! Listen in!<br> Listen to the Podcast:<br> <br> You can find the notes for this episode down below.<br> <br> And don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. <br> <br> <br> Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.<br> Why I read and invest in reading:<br> <br> As a Christian, I think it's important to be learning and growing.<br> As a mother, I want to model to my kids what it means to be a life long learner.<br> And reading is very relaxing to me. It fills up my cup so that I can in turn fill up the cups around me.<br> <br> So when considering reading more, keep those in mind! But also keep in mind that we all derive different levels of enjoyment out of reading. For me, it's ALSO my entertainment and what Jason and I choose for leisure. You might not enjoy it that much, and that's okay! Reading will mean different things to each of us.<br> <br> If you don't think you enjoy reading that much, I do encourage you to try some new types of books and see if you don't fall in love. Try new genres, try audiobooks, or different times of day for reading.<br> When setting a goal can help:<br> <br> It can help incentivize you to pick up books. It helps develop a routine. When we do 2 books a week, it naturally helps us pace those.<br> It can help you choose things OVER television or social media. Which is almost always the right thing ;)<br> It helps me FINISH books. Which has greatly paid off because some of my most impactful reading moments have been in the last chapter or so.<br> <br> Links &amp; Resources:<br> <br> Follow me over on Instagram to follow along with everything in real time<br> Follow me on Goodreads to see all my latest reads and challenge<br> Our Sponsor: Visit HomeschookMagnet.com to find some better homeschooling support!<br> Our Sponsor: Get the best custom Christmas gifts and cards at Vistaprint.com/HF