Astrology of 9 - 22 November - Mars direct, Mercury & Venus into Scorpio & Sun into Sagittarius

The Water Trio - Astrology with Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Shaich Yusuf show

Summary: Welcome back to your next Water Trio installment, as Kelly, Cassandra and Alicia discuss the astrological aspects they have their eyes on in the fortnight ahead. The fortnight will end on a very different note to the way it begins, as we have three planets changing sign; Mercury and Venus moving into the depths of Scorpio and the Sun into hopeful Sagittarius, and all three away from the cardinal signs. Mars stations to go direct on 13/14 November and the station itself can bring inflammation and tension, but it's tinged with excitement and hope as forward movement is soon possible. The New Moon at 23 Scorpio on 14/15 November is about both endings and beginnings, looking inside and within so you can act on your strategies going forward. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What are The Water Trio up to in the fortnight ahead? Join Cassandra's Golden Circle Club for your monthly astrology insights via Register for Kelly's 4 week course on plotting your year ahead via and her Aspects of Fortune and Favour webinar via Alicia's Beginner's Astrology Course starts on 16 November, register via and gather all the tools you need for this Scorpio New Moon via her New Moon Magic workshop