Boomeranging: How To Leave and Stay Gone!

Save Your Sanity - Help for Toxic Relationships show

Summary: <p><strong>It's common for folks to desperately find their way to get away from a toxic relationship. Then, the doubts start, as well as the pleading and promises from a toxic spouse. </strong></p><p>You'll need these helpful insights into <strong>how to plan to leave</strong> so that you won't <strong>give in to the temptation to return. </strong>And, if you have left, what to do when you want to <strong>go running back to the abuse</strong>. </p><br><p>Yes, you're leaving a toxic person, a #Hijackal, because they are emotionally abusive. You may not want to think of it as abuse, but that's what it is. </p><br><p>Oxford dictionary:</p><ol> <li><em>abuse: use to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse. pervert, take advantage of</em></li> <li><em>treat a person with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly </em></li> </ol><p><br></p><p><strong>Emotional abuse</strong> is difficult to see when it's happening to you, but you sure know how it feels, right? That's what you've walking--or running--away from. Remember that when you're tempted to return. </p><br><p>In this episode, I give you eight things you might be telling yourself to convince yourself to go back once you've left, and seven things you can do to remind yourself why you will not go back. I hope they help you. </p><br><p>Big hugs!</p><p>Rhoberta</p><br><p><strong>HIGHLIGHTS OF TODAY'S EPISODE:</strong></p><ul> <li><strong>Boomeranging happens often: leaving an abusive relationship and then going back</strong></li> <li><strong>How to stop the cycle of leaving and returning to a #narcissist, a #Hijackal, an #abuser</strong></li> <li><strong>Why you second-guess your decision to leave once the stress of leaving is relieved</strong></li> <li><strong>How to keep moving forward once you've left a toxic relationship</strong></li> <li><strong>8 reasons you give yourself for going back to a toxic relationship</strong></li> <li><strong>7 things to do to set yourself straight and not go back </strong></li> </ul><p><br></p><p><strong>Want clarity, insights, strategies, and support from me, Dr. Rhoberta Shaler? We can talk: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong>Introductory session for new clients, $97</strong></a></p><br><p><strong>CONNECT WITH ME: I invite you to like my pages and follow for further help with recognizing toxic relationships, realizing their impact, realigning your life, and recovering your self-confidence and ability to love and trust again.</strong></p><br><p><strong>FOLLOW DR. SHALER...</strong></p><p><strong>WEBSITE: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong></strong></a></p><p><strong>PODCAST: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><strong></strong></a></p><p><strong>FACEBOOK: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>TWITTER: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>LINKEDIN: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>INSTAGRAM: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>PINTEREST: </strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><br><p>YOUTUBE: <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p>-------------------------------------------------------------</p><p>I WANT TO HELP YOU FIGURE OUT WHAT'S GOING ON AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT!</p><p>If you <strong>want to learn more, share, ask questions, and feel more powerful within yourself and your relationships</strong>. Join my Support Circles now.</p><p>Off social media, safe discussion + videos + articles + webinars + personal home study program + group Saturday Support Calls with me.</p><p>WOW! Join now. <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Dr. Shaler's Relationship Help Circles.</a> 50% off your first month. . Safely off social media.</p><p>----------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p>#leavinganabusiverelationship #leavinganabuser #dontgoback #leaveanddontgoback #boomeranging #goingbacktoanabusiverelationship #goingbacktoanabuser #hownottogobacktoanabusiverelationship </p><p>#savemysanity #saveyoursanity #relationshipadvice #tipsforrelationships #Hijackals #toxicpeople #mentalhealthmatters #MHNRNetwork #RhobertaShaler #narcissists #borderlines #antisocial #difficultpeople #emotionalabuse #verbalabuse #stoptoleratingabuse #toxicrelationships #manipulation #walkingoneggshells #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #abuse #narcissisticabuse #boundaries #personalitydisorder #difficultpeople #antisocialbehavior #lackingempathy #journorequest #prrequest </p><p><strong></strong></p><br><p><br></p><p>Support this show <a target="_blank" rel="payment" href=""></a>.</p><br><hr><p style="color:grey;font-size:0.75em;"> See <a style="color:grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>